
Retail Ordering with Spot N Paste

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    Retail Ordering with an Unsupported Supplier

    If you use a supplier that is not currently on our supported list, you can now program it yourself in Spot N Paste with simple drag and drop in just 10 seconds! Once you’ve programmed it to a supplier, you can paste the address into the correct fields on your suppliers checkout page with a single mouse click!

    To get started, follow these simple steps:

    • Copy the address to Spot N Paste
    • Go to your supplier and follow the checkout process until you get to the page to add a shipping address
    • Simply click on the extension and hold and drag any part of the address from it into the correct form field in the supplier address form
    • Complete the full address to program Spot N Paste to recognize the fields the next time you come to this supplier.


    Paste Addresses Anywhere Including Spreadsheets & Documents

    Spot N Paste injects a copy button on the Amazon seller dashboard that allows you to copy a complete shipping address as one block of text and paste to any spreadsheets, or documents as you need it. With one click, you can also paste it into the correct fields on your suppliers checkout page, or even at your carriers label page.

    When pasting into a spreadsheet, make sure to double click on the cell to paste the full address in that single cell. Otherwise, the addresses will get pasted into separate rows.

    Retail Ordering Using Hotkeys

    Spot N Paste supports hotkeys for pasting – just set up your desired keys and you are good to go!

    If you would like to change the hotkey commands please follow these steps:

    • Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts within your Chrome browser
    • Find Spot N Paste
    • Enter the new commands.

    Please note you will only see Spot N Paste if you have activated it.


    Supplier Sync for Retail Ordering

    You can now save your programmed suppliers in Spot N Center to not have them not reset even after you do a Reset Store Data. If your supplier changes, you can also delete what you have saved, reprogram, and save them again!
    Before starting, program your suppliers and confirm that they work, then you can sync them to your Spot N Center. You can learn more about how to program suppliers here:  How to Program Your Supplier

    Here are the steps to sync suppliers in Spot N Center:

    1. Open Spot N Paste and Click on the Settings wheel -> Suppliers -> Sync.
    2. Next proceed to log into Spot N Center.
    3. In Spot N Center, find your synced stores under the Stores tab.
    4. If your supplier has changed, you can delete it from here
    5. Program your new supplier to Spot N Paste to resync and save.

    With this feature enabled, you will no longer need to worry about your suppliers needing to be reprogrammed after hitting the Reset Store Data Button! This helps make retail ordering even faster.


    Delete Address From Various Suppliers With Spot N Paste

    When you are doing retail ordering, your address books can start to get over filled with various addresses. With Spot N Paste, You can delete addresses from various suppliers including Amazon, Walmart, and Home Depot.  Spot N Paste will inject a “Delete All Addresses” button in the address book of the suppliers to make it as easy as a single mouse click.


    To delete addresses in Amazon, go to your Amazon address book (Your account -> Your addresses) and click on the “Delete All Addresses” button next to the Spot N Paste logo.


    For deleting addresses on Walmart, go to Your Account -> Shipping Address, and you will see the “Delete All Addresses” button next to the Spot N Paste logo. Click that button to delete all the addresses. If you experience a slow down on Walmart because of the delete addresses, you can turn off “Walmart delete addresses” by deselecting the box in the extension settings.

    Home Depot

    When deleting addresses in Home Depot Address book, just click the “Delete All Addresses” button and Spot N Paste will do the work for you!


    Amazon as a Supplier

    Spot N Paste Supplier Settings

    The Suppliers tab in Spot N Paste is where you can set up all the information for the suppliers that we have integrated with so that you have a more seamless semi-auto retail ordering experience.

    You can also save credentials for multiple countries that you may be using Amazon with! You can swap to a different international Amazon site supplier from the dropdown menu in the Spot N Paste box. For example, when you select Amazon UK, when you add to cart, Spot N Paste will open it in the Amazon UK website, add to cart there automatically, and copy the buyer’s address at the same time. You can find out more about this feature here:  Adding to Amazon Address Book 

    If you are facing any issue with Spot N Paste, or if it does not paste into the supplier’s website correctly, you can also reset with a single click. It’s always a good idea to reset the store data before trying other troubleshooting techniques. Check out more about this here:  Reset Store Data

    Add Your Amazon Items To The Cart Quickly From Your eBay Dashboard

    Spot N Paste extension supports adding Amazon items to the cart with just a click of a button. To get started hit the ‘Customize” button on the eBay dashboard and enable custom label SKU. Here, you will need to put the ASIN number for your Amazon items to let Spot N Paste know exactly which items to add to your cart.

    If you are already using DSM Tools, you do not need to worry about custom label SKU since they will take care of it for you, and our Spot N Paste is already integrated on their dashboard.

    Once you are done with the custom label SKU and have the Amazon ASIN number in there, just hit the “Add to Cart” button and Spot N Paste will take over automating the process. The item will open on the Amazon website, add to cart there automatically, and copy the buyer’s address at the same time. If your buyer has ordered more than one item, Spot N Paste will add to cart however many they ordered. Afterward, you can paste the address into the correct fields with another mouse click and checkout in seconds!

    Use The Amazon Add To Cart Function In Other Countries

    Spot N Paste now supports adding Amazon items to the cart with just a click of a button in Amazon UK or other countries from the same account. 

    Before starting, make sure that you have the correct Amazon ASIN number in the custom label SKU. You can check out the process here: Set Up Amazon Add To Cart

    You can swap to a different Amazon from the drop down menu in the Spot N Paste box. For example, when you select Amazon UK, when you add to cart, Spot N Paste will open it in Amazon UK website, add to cart there automatically, and copy the buyer’s address at the same time.

    Add Items To Your Amazon Address Book From eBay Quickly With Spot N Paste

    Spot N Paste now can automatically add the addresses to as well as Amazon marketplaces in other countries like directly from eBay Seller Hub!

    Here are the 4 easy steps to help you get started:

    1. Click on the Spot N Paste extension, 
    2. Open up the settings, 
    3. Select your preferred Amazon site from the dropdown menu, and 
    4. Hit save!

    Spot N Paste also allows you to save credentials for multiple countries that you may be using Amazon with! Make sure to select the correct amazon country from the dropdown menu in the Spot N Paste box to add the addresses to that address book. If this is not correctly selected, your addresses might go to the wrong address book.

    Once you have selected the correct Amazon site, as soon as you hit the “Select Addresses” from Spot N Paste box, it will open up that Amazon website and add all the addresses you selected automatically!

    Paste Addresses Quickly For Multi Item Orders On Amazon

    Spot N Paste now supports adding Amazon bulk ordering. Now, when you checkout with “Ship to multiple addresses,” our extension will automatically add all the addresses with correct items! 

    Before starting, make sure that you have the correct Amazon ASIN number in the custom label SKU on eBay. You can check out the process here: Set Up Amazon Add To Cart

    Once the custom label SKU is set up correctly on eBay, just select the items you want to ship out and click on “Copy Address” from the Spot N Paste box. Then, when you proceed to check on Amazon, select shipping to more than one address and make sure all the items are separated by selecting “Ship this item to additional addresses” if it shows up.

    Now, as soon as you click the “Fast Paste” button, Spot N Paste will automatically paste all different addresses correctly!

    Paste Last Copied Address on Amazon

    Spot N Paste can add Amazon items to the cart with just a click of a button if you have enabled custom label SKU & put the ASIN number for your Amazon items to let Spot N Paste know exactly which items to add to your cart.

    However, you can also use our fast paste option even in the case that you do not want to add the ASIN number to your listings and use our Bulk Ordering feature. In order to use this feature, you must have your OrderID turned OFF in the settings.You can add all of your addresses to Amazon using the Bulk Address Upload to Amazon feature. Once you have done that you can proceed to add all of your items to the cart into Amazon.

    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. In Amazon, select that you are shipping to multiple orders.
    2. Separate any orders that have multiple of the same items, if they are going to separate addresses.
    3. Go back to eBay and hit the copy button on the address you want to be selected
    4. Go back to Amazon and on the item that you’re needing to select the address, click the “Select Last Copied Address” button. 
    5. Repeat this step until you have selected all of the addresses that you want to ship to.
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