Branding is so important because it is what will set you apart from your competition in a very clear way. Proper branding includes all aspects of how your business makes your audience feel from beginning to end and puts your customer in the driver’s seat in terms of their preferences but based on your goals. Several branding factors work to make you stand out from your competition.
Be Original
You probably think, of course. Well, of course, the brand needs to be original, but you’d be shocked at how many people tend to try to match too many other brands when they go about creating a logo or brand. If their favorite business coach is using jewel tones, they end up with jewel tones.
If their favorite business coach is doing anything with branding, they’re copying it. While this is normally okay, remember that you want to stand out and apart from your competition in a way that looks good to your audience.
Be Transparent
No matter how trustworthy you appear to your audience today, it only takes one mistake to ruin it all. Online business is much more volatile than offline businesses, especially when it comes to sole proprietors. You always need to be above reproach so that your branding feels honest and sincere.
If you’re not normally an energetic type-A person, do not create a brand that is energetic and type A. For example, using the coaching business example, if you are a business coach doing what everyone else who is a business coach is doing, that isn’t going to help you get coaching clients. Maybe there is a business owner who needs a coach that isn’t about getting up early, getting dressed in their finest business suits, and putting on their lip stain before appearing on Facebook Live. All that is fine, but maybe you’re different, and someone out there wants that difference?
Understand & Know Your Target Audience
You cannot brand your business if you don’t have a clear understanding of who your audience is and what they want and need. Even further, you also need to know how they prefer learning, who they learn from, and the words they prefer to use when describing their problems and pain points.
The content that you create will be informed by your understanding of your target audience and their pain points. By taking the time to really get to know your audience, you can ensure that your brand speaks to them in the way they need to hear the messages you share with them.
When you focus on branding your business in a way that helps you speak directly to your ideal customer, you will stand out. Remember that your differences are what make you right for your customers. There may be many people offering a similar service, but no one can match your style, and your branding will help differentiate your brand from the competition.